
The main tasks of the Directorate are the management of the institute and the central internal services for the FVA. In addition, it is responsible for research coordination and communications (press and public relations as well as knowledge transfer). The Directorate also works on its own development tasks, which are usually directly related to its service tasks and the tools necessary for them. The Directorate represents the interests of the FVA vis-à-vis cooperating organisations such as EFICENT or FTP.

Organisational units

In addition to the strategic orientation of the FVA and planning and reporting, this area of work primarily involves coordination with the higher authority to which the FVA is answerable - the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection. This is also the department mainly responsible for representing the FVA in national and international research networks.


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schraml

Social, technical and ecological upheavals do not stop when they reach the forest. The cultural implications of forests - as recreational spaces, as health or economic factors, or as part of the cultural landscape - are constantly evolving. With climate change, these processes are gaining particular momentum. Using social science research methods, the Societal Change Unit keeps an eye on these changes and delivers the scientific bases required to tap the potential that forests specifically offer modern society, while at the same time preventing avoidable conflicts. The unit supports the State Forestry Administration and forest owners with its activities, as well as assisting actors from the fields of politics, sport, tourism and the health sector to develop concepts in their respective fields of action.

The central task of this department lies in the organisation, content orientation and bundling and transfer of knowledge and know-how, and in public relations work. The FVA's specialist library is also part of this work area. Additionally, the department organises and carries out FVA events, as well as editing the institute’s print media (FVA publication series, the newsletter FVA Einblick [German only], the annual report “astrein” [also German only], etc.) and electronic media (FVA internet, intranet,, podcasts, etc.).


Knowledge transfer, press and public relations

+49 (761) 4018-371

The finance and accounting systems, including financial controlling, the awarding of contracts, and purchasing, are organised and provided by the Directorate. Human resources management is also part of this area.

The Directorate supports the research work of the entire FVA by providing and operating the necessary technical infrastructure, as well as organising technical services such as in-house technical support, workshops, the vehicle pool, etc.

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