How to find us


Forest Research Institute Baden-Wuerttemberg

Wonnhaldestraße 4
79100 Freiburg

Route map to the FVA

Main building Wonnhaldestrasse 4

  • From the main station (Hauptbahnhof): Take Tram 2 (from tram stop on the Stadtbahn bridge) (towards Günterstal) direct via the city centre/ Bertoldsbrunnen stop to the Wonnhalde stop. Follow the signs to the FVA along Wonnhaldestrasse on foot for about 360 m. The building is beyond the Bohrerbach (small stream), on the right-hand side.

Wonnhaldestrasse 3 address

  • See directions for main building, Wonnhaldestrasse 4. The building is on the left hand side, opposite the main building Wonnhaldestrasse 4.

Günterstalstrasse 61 address

  • See directions for main building, Wonnhaldestrasse 4. Take tram 2 (towards Günterstal) to the Lorettostrasse stop. On foot, follow Günterstalstrasse out of town or in the direction of travel for about 160 metres. The building is on the left-hand side (corner of Lorettostrasse and Maria-Theresia-Strasse).

Rehlingstrasse 6 d address

  • From the Hauptbahnhof (main station), take VAG bus 11 or SBG bus 7208 to the Rehlingstrasse stop. Cross Heinrich-von-Stephan-Strasse on foot, and follow Rehlingstrasse for about 250 metres. The building is on the left.
  • From the Bertholdsbrunnen stop (in the city centre), take line 3 (towards Vauban) to the Reiterstrasse stop. On foot, follow Kronenstrasse towards the city centre for about 160 m. Turn left and follow Rehlingstrasse for about 110 m. The building is on the right.
  • From the Stadttheater stop, take tram 5 (towards Rieselfeld) to the Mattenstrasse stop. From the stop, turn right into Mattenstrasse, walk along Mattenstrasse, cross Hummelstrasse, and then continue along the footpath directly alongside the buildings at Rehlingstrasse 6e+d (shortest footpath)

Main building Wonnhaldestraße 4

  • Leave the A5 at exit 62 Freiburg Mitte and follow the B 31 (towards Freiburg, Donaueschingen) for around 6.3 km. Turn right and follow Günterstalstrasse (L 124) (towards Todtnau, Schauinsland) for about 1.7 km. Turn right and follow Wonnhaldestrasse (towards FVA) for about 0.4 km. The building is beyond the Bohrerbach (small stream), on the right-hand side. The car park is on a lower level, behind the building.
  • Coming from the Black Forest, leave the B31 south of the city centre. Turn left and follow Günterstalstrasse (L 124) (towards Todtnau, Schauinsland) for about 1.7 km. Turn right and follow Wonnhaldestrasse (towards FVA) for about 0.4 km. The building is beyond the Bohrerbach (small stream), on the right-hand side. The car park is on a lower level, behind the building.

Wonnhaldestrasse 3 address

  • See directions for main building, Wonnhaldestrasse 4. The building is on the left hand side, opposite the main building Wonnhaldestrasse 4.

Günterstalstrasse 61 address

  • See directions for main building, Wonnhaldestrasse 4. Turn left and follow Günterstalstrasse (L 124) (towards Todtnau, Schauinsland) for about 0.8 km. Turn left and follow Maria-Theresia-Strasse for about 35 m. The building is on the right. The car park is behind the building.

Rehlingstrasse 6 d address

  • Leave the A5 at exit 62 Freiburg Mitte and follow the B 31 (towards Freiburg, Donaueschingen) for around 5.5 km. Turn right and follow Heinrich-von-Stephan-Strasse B3 (towards Lörrach, Merzhausen) for about 170 m. Turn left and follow Rehlingstrasse for about 250 m. The building is on the left. Parking is only available in public areas. Please arrive by bicycle or public transport.
  • Coming from the Black Forest, leave the B31 south of the station axis. Turn left and follow Heinrich-von-Stephan-Strasse (B3) (towards Lörrach, Merzhausen) for about 240 m. Turn left and follow Rehlingstrasse for about 250 m. The building is on the left. Parking is only available in public areas. Please arrive by bicycle or public transport.
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