FVA-Wildlife Institute
The FVA-Wildlife Institute develops scientific principles for the management and protection of selected animal species that fall under the Hunting and Wildlife Management Act (JWMG).
An important basis for this is the monitoring of wild species and their habitats. The scientific work focuses on studies of the space-time behaviour of wild species and the analysis of relationships between wild species, landscape and people.
Within the context of wildlife monitoring, substantiated information on rare species is recorded and documented.
Current focus
- Development, testing and application of wildlife monitoring methods (including genetic analyses)
- Habitat analyses (including those of the capercaillie, wolf, lynx, wildcat red deer)
- Investigation of the space-time behaviour (of red deer, roe deer, capercaillie and wildcat)
- Analysis and assessment of the economic damage caused by game species (e.g. through browsing)
- Participatory development of management concepts (red deer concept for the northern Black Forest, wildcat action plan, lynx management plan) and regional solution strategies (round table discussions on forest restructuring and hunting)
- Technical support for the implementation of existing management concepts (capercaillie action plan, red deer concept for the southern Black Forest)
- Habitat connectivity (general game trail network) and reconnection measures
- Research into the causes and prevention of roadkills
- Research and conceptual work in the field of “Wildlife and disturbance”
With all topics, the transfer of the scientific findings into practice and their presentation to the general public is an important concern for us. This is implemented through numerous publications, a strong media presence, training courses, lectures, print media and the Denzlingen Wildlife Forum.