Name, first name | Department | Phone | |
A | |||
Adler, Dr., Petra | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-207 | |
Aichholz, Reinhard | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-260 | |
Albrecht, Dr., Axel | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-751 | |
Ardao Rivera, Eva | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-331 | |
B | |||
Bachfischer, Lorenz | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-281 | |
Beiter, Sarina | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-452 | |
Bethmann, Dr., Stephanie | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-458 | |
Beutel, Tanja | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-289 | |
Bieling, Alfons | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-312 | |
Bilela-Eckert, Silvija | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-257 | |
Bindewald, Dr., Anja | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-482 | |
Bluhm, Dr., Christian | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-124 | |
Böcker, Felix | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-274 | |
Bogenschütz, Regina | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-193 | |
Brandt, Hannes | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-130 | |
Braun, Alexander | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-270 | |
Braunisch, Dr., Veronika | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-300 | |
Brieger, Dr., Falko | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-454 | |
Brieger, Frauke | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-245 | |
Brockhaus, Fritz | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-362 | |
Brüchert, Franka | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-239 | |
Burger, Martin | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-162 | |
Buschmann, Dr., Axel | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-253 | |
C | |||
Chassignet, Isabelle | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-127 | |
Cichecki, Diana | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-353 | |
Coppes, Dr., Joy | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-171 | |
Cullmann, Dominik | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-204 | |
D | |||
Dalüge, Nora | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-229 | |
Deis, Michele | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-487 | |
Delb, Dr., Horst | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-222 | |
Dick, Kurt | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-490 | |
Diehl, Dr., Janina | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-??? | |
Dietzer, Melina | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018- | |
Dounavi, Dr., Aikaterini | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-159 | |
E | |||
Eckert, Lisa | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-220 | |
Eh, Heike | +49 (761) 4018-9 | ||
Ehrhart, Dr., Stefan | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-476 | |
Ehring, Andreas | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-753 | |
Ehrlacher, Judith | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-452 | |
Eisnecker, Philipp | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-252 | |
Ejarque, Celso | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-754 | |
Engist, Ute | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-106 | |
Erbacher, Jörn | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-115 | |
Eßer, Norbert | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-191 | |
F | |||
Fechter, Dr., Dominik | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-464 | |
Fehrenbach, Martina | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-133 | |
Fei, Jakob | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-767 | |
Fey, Gerhard | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018- | |
Franke, Elke | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-231 | |
Freyler, Klaus | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-760 | |
Fritz, Johanna | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-485 | |
Frühbrodt, Tobias | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-122 | |
G | |||
Ganz, Selina | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-285 | |
Gehrke, Andreas | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-279 | |
Geist, Andres | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-174 | |
Georgi, Dr., Maria | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-229 | |
Gerlach, Doris | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-772 | |
Gerlach, Heiko | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-148 | |
Göhlert, Steffen | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-148 | |
Götz, Elena | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-9 | |
Grassl, Tobias | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-198 | |
Großmann, Dr., Carol | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-473 | |
Grüner, Dr., Jörg | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-221 | |
Gutierrez-Beltran, Dr., Nestor Fabian | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-258 | |
H | |||
Habel, Raphael | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-267 | |
Hainmüller, Matthias | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-189 | |
Harms, Laura | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-366 | |
Hartebrodt, Dr., Christoph | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-262 | |
Hartmann, Dr., Peter | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-215 | |
Hauser, Christa | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-158 | |
Hebermehl, Wiebke | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-249 | |
Hendel, Anna-Lena | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-255 | |
Hengst, Dr., Yvonne | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-486 | |
Hercher, Wolfgang | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-266 | |
Herdtfelder, Dr., Micha | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-325 | |
Hinze, Jonas | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-766 | |
Hoffmeister, Tina | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-195 | |
Hofmann, Sven | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-228 | |
Hölscher, Andrea | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-276 | |
Holz, Gabriel | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-213 | |
Hoschek, Mark | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-116 | |
Huber, Martin | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-242 | |
Huber-Eustachi, Laura | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-471 | |
Hug, Ralph | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-375 | |
I | |||
Isenberg, Lelde | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-188 | |
J | |||
Jakob, Angelika | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-132 | |
Jentner, Eike | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-463 | |
Jentschke, Jakob | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-320 | |
K | |||
Karopka, Manuel | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-181 | |
Kaufmann, Anna | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-353 | |
Kautz, Dr., Markus | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-194 | |
Keil, Jan-Philipp | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018- | |
Keller, Oswald | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-268 | |
Kirchenbaur, Tobias | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-457 | |
Kirchhöfer, Dr., Melanie | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-351 | |
Kleih, Julia | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-173 | |
Kleinschmit, Dr., Jörg | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-318 | |
Klotz, Ann-Kathrin | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-471 | |
Kniep, Hannah | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-449 | |
Kochs, Maria | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-170 | |
Kögel, Raphael | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-359 | |
Kohler, Dr., Beate | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-0 | |
Kohnle, Prof. Dr., Ulrich | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-757 | |
Költzow, Jonathan | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-256 | |
Kopaniak, Linda | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-274 | |
Kraft, Michael | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-??? | |
Kranefeld, Eva | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-256 | |
Krause, Sophia | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-274 | |
Kromer, Johannes | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-248 | |
Kröschel, Max | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-379 | |
Kube, Lotte | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-459 | |
Kühl, Dr., Norbert | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-759 | |
L | |||
Landes, Lea | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-447 | |
Lang, Verena | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-278 | |
Liegl, Gerhild | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-255 | |
Lingenfelder, Dr., Marcus | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-328 | |
Lorff, Marvin | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-376 | |
M | |||
Mahlau, Lucas | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-287 | |
Maisch, Dr., Stefan | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-176 | |
Marggrander, Nikolaj | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-468 | |
Marinovic, Anna | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-301 | |
Martin, Alina | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-467 | |
Martinez, Miguel | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-182 | |
Märtz, Johanna | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-142 | |
Mayr, Sabine | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-205 | |
Menton-Enderlin, Dominik | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-310 | |
Meusel, Christin | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-170 | |
Michiels, Dr., Hans-Gerhard | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-178 | |
Mikoleit, Ronja | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-350 | |
Miocic, Sabeth | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-240 | |
Morell, Marc | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-481 | |
N | |||
Nadler, Silvia | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-220 | |
Neophytou, Dr., Charalambos | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-250 | |
Nowack, Rebecca | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-189 | |
O | |||
Oesterle, Simon | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-212 | |
P | |||
Peter, Felix | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-173 | |
Peters, Sebastian | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-331 | |
Pfahler, Charlotte | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-370 | |
Pfeifer, Mario | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018- | |
Pfistner, Matthias | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018- | |
Pinschack, Jean-Louis | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-106 | |
Pontuali, Silvia | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-190 | |
Pöter, Rhea | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-373 | |
Puhlmann, Dr., Heike | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-224 | |
R | |||
Reimann, Marco | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-202 | |
Remmele, Sabine | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-302 | |
Rentschler, Felix | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-254 | |
Riemer, Uli | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-192 | |
Risle-Jung, Miriam | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-197 | |
Rittner-Fischer, Annette | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-189 | |
Ruber, Rene | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-109 | |
Rubin, Lisa | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-376 | |
Ruge, Florian | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-755 | |
Rützler, Werner | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-377 | |
S | |||
Sander, Felicitas | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-216 | |
Sauter, Dr., Udo Hans | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-237 | |
Schabel, Andreas | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-168 | |
Schengel, Alexander | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-135 | |
Scherer, Roland | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-196 | |
Schillinger, Jürgen | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-199 | |
Schlehe, Steffen | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-364 | |
Schleip, Siri | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-248 | |
Schmidt, Simon | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-180 | |
Schneider, Elisa | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-493 | |
Schott, Karl-Martin | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-106 | |
Schraml, Prof. Dr., Ulrich | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-100 | |
Schröder, Hilke | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-172 | |
Schüler, Elisabeth | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-255 | |
Schupp, Andreas | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-145 | |
Schuster, Julia | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-230 | |
Schwarz, Dr., Benjamin | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-210 | |
Seebach, Dr., Lucia | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-235 | |
Seeger, Jens | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-337 | |
Seiffert, Gudrun | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-160 | |
Semizer-Cuming, Dr., Devrim | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-257 | |
Sladeczek, Dr., Peter | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-211 | |
Staudenmaier, Dr., Jörg | Forest utilisation | +49 (761) 4018-244 | |
Stelzer, Anne-Sophie | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-187 | |
Strecker, Melanie | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-133 | |
Streif, Sabrina | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-232 | |
Strein, Martin | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-117 | |
Struss, Markus | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-763 | |
T | |||
Thaler, Frieder | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-255 | |
Thiemann, Angela | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-118 | |
Thoma, Stefanie | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-474 | |
Traiser, Dr., Christopher | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-770 | |
Treuter, Ludwig | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-468 | |
U | |||
Uhl, Andreas | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-188 | |
V | |||
Vonderach, Christian | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-208 | |
W | |||
Warlo, Hannes | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-238 | |
Weber, Hannah | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-297 | |
Wedler, Axel | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-169 | |
Wehrle, Markus | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-378 | |
Weichert, Alexander | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-451 | |
Weidner, Thomas | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-246 | |
Weigerstorfer, Diana | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-177 | |
Weinbrenner, Hannes | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-123 | |
Weller, Bernd | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-0 | |
Wenz, Veronika | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-468 | |
Werwie, Felicitas | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-213 | |
Wetz, Katja | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-371 | |
Wevell von Krüger, Anne | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-304 | |
Wildenmann, Robert | Forest nature conservation | +49 761 4018-489 | |
Wilhelm, Carolin | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-483 | |
Winkler, Klaus | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-269 | |
Winter, Dr., Maria-Barbara | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-277 | |
Wirth, Kristina | Directorate | +49 (761) 4018-310 | |
Wittich, Leonard | Soil and environment | +49 (761) 4018-109 | |
Wohnhas, Martin | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-764 | |
Wolf, Thilo | Biometry and Informatics | +49 (761) 4018-214 | |
Wonsack, Dominik | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-219 | |
Wussler, Jan | Forest protection | +49 (761) 4018-372 | |
Y | |||
Yue, Dr., Chao Fang | Forest growth | +49 (761) 4018-750 | |
Z | |||
Zielewska-Büttner, Dr., Katarzyna | Forest nature conservation | +49 (761) 4018-300 | |
Ziemlich, Mara | FVA-Wildlife Institute | +49 (761) 4018-456 | |
Zimmermann, Klaus | Forest economics and management | +49 (761) 4018-261 |