Dr. Sarah Bluhm

seit 2023: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg (FVA), Freiburg im

  • Projekt „Biodiversität von Waldböden: Bodenfauna“ (seit 2024)
  • Projekt „Relevanz des Waldbodenmikrobioms (WBMB) für Nährstoffkreisläufe und Einflüsse von Baumart und Klima“ (2023-2024)

seit 2015: wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in der Abteilung Tierökologie im

  • Projekt „LitterLinks“ (Biodiversitäts-Exploratorien)

2011-2016: Promotion an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen in der Abteilung Tierökologie,

  • Thema: "Trophic structure of soil animal food webs of deciduous forests as analyzed by stable isotope labeling"

2007-2010: Hauptstudium der Biologie an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Schwerpunkte: Botanik, Bodenkunde, Naturschutz; Abschluss: Diplom-Biologin

2005-2007: Grundstudium der Biologie an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Vordiplom

JUNGGEBAUER, A., BLUHM, C., ERDMANN, G., BLUHM, S. L., POLLIERER, M. M., & SCHEU, S. (2024). Temporal Variation of Soil Microarthropods in Different Forest Types and Regions of Central Europe. Oikos, e10513.

JUNGGEBAUER, A., GERICKE, N. M., KRAKAU, L.K., BLUHM, S. L., MARAUN, M., POLLIERER, M. M., & SCHEU, S. (2024). Effects of forest gap formation and deadwood enrichment on oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) vary between regions. Forest Ecology and Management 565, 122015.

PENA, R.; BLUHM, S. L.; AMMERSCHUBERT, S; AGÜI-GONZALEZ, P.; RIZZOLI, S. O.; SCHEU, S.; POLLE, A. (2023). Mycorrhizal C/N ratio determines plant-derived carbon and nitrogen allocation to symbiosis. Communications Biology 6, 1230.

OTT, D.; SOHLSTROEM, E. H.; BLUHM, S. L.; POLLIERER, M. M.; EITZINGER, B.; SCHEU, S.; & BROSE, U. (2022). Litter Decomposition is Interactively Controlled by Land-Use, Soil Fauna and Litter Quality, But Unaffected by the Input of Belowground Carbon Resources. SSRN Electronic Journal.

LI, Z.; BLUHM, S. L.; SCHEU, S.; & POLLIERER, M. M. (2022). Amino acid isotopes in functional assemblages of Collembola reveal the influence of vertical resource heterogeneity and root energy supply on trophic interactions in soil food webs. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108815.

POTAPOV, A. M.; BEAULIEU, F.; BIRKHOFER, K.; BLUHM, S. L.; DEGTYAREV, M. I.; DEVETTER, M.; GONCHAROV, A. A.; GONGALSKY, K. B.; KLARNER, B.; KOROBUSHKIN, D. I.; LIEBKE, D. F.; MARAUN, M.; MC DONNELL, R. J.; POLLIERER, M. M.; SCHAEFER, I.; SHRUBOVYCH, J.; SEMENYUK, I. I.; SENDRA, A.; TUMA, J.; … SCHEU, S. (2022). Feeding habits and multifunctional classification of soil‐associated consumers from protists to vertebrates. Biological Reviews, 97(3), 1057–1117.

BLUHM, S. L.; EITZINGER, B.; BLUHM, C.; FERLIAN, O.; HEIDEMANN, K.; CIOBANU, M.; MARAUN, M.; & SCHEU, S. (2021). The Impact of root-derived resources on forest soil invertebrates depends on body size and trophic position. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4.

KRAUSE, A.; SANDMANN, D.; BLUHM, S. L.; ERMILOV, S.; WIDYASTUTI, R.; HANEDA, N. F.; SCHEU, S.; & MARAUN, M. (2019). Shift in trophic niches of soil microarthropods with conversion of tropical rainforest into plantations as indicated by stable isotopes (15N, 13C). PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0224520.

BLUHM, S. L.; POTAPOV, A. M.; SHRUBOVYCH, J.; AMMERSCHUBERT, S.; POLLE, A.; SCHEU, S. (2019) Protura are unique: First evidence of specialized feeding on ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil invertebrates. BMC Ecology,19:10, 1-7.

ZIEGER, S. L.; SCHEU, S. (2018). Effects of storage and handling on neutral lipid fatty acid profiles of two woodlice (Isopoda, Crustacea) species differing in size. Applied Soil Ecology, 130, 178-184.

GONG X, CHEN T-W, ZIEGER, S. L.; BLUHM, C.; HEIDEMANN, K.; SCHAEFER, I.; MARAUN, M.; LIU, M.; SCHEU, S. (2018). Phylogenetic and trophic determinants of gut microbiota in soil oribatid mites. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 123, 155–164.

ZIEGER, S. L.; AMMERSCHUBERT, S.; POLLE, A.; SCHEU, S. (2017). Root-derived carbon and nitrogen from beech and ash trees differentially fuel soil animal food webs of deciduous forests. PLOS ONE, 12:e0189502.

MELGUIZO-RUIZ, N.; JIMÉNEZ-NAVARRO, G.; ZIEGER, S. L.; MARAUN, M.; SCHEU, S.; MOYA-LARAÑO, J. (2017). Complex effects of precipitation and basal resources on the trophic ecology of soil oribatid mites: Implications for stable isotope analysis. European Journal of Soil Biology, 82, 98–107.

ZIEGER, S. L.; HOLCZINGER, A.; SOMMER, J.; RATH, M.; KUZYAKOV, Y.; POLLE, A.; MARAUN, M.; SCHEU, STEFAN. (2017). Beech trees fuel soil animal food webs via root-derived nitrogen. Basic and Applied Ecology, 22, 28–35.

SOMMER, J.; DIPPOLD, M. A.; ZIEGER, S. L.; HANDKE, A.; SCHEU, S.; KUZYAKOV, Y. (2017). The tree species matters: Belowground carbon input and utilization in the myco-rhizosphere. European Journal of Soil Biology, 81, 100–107.

ZIEGER, S. L.; EISSFELLER, V.; MARAUN, M.; SCHEU, S. (2015). Incorporation of carbon and nitrogen from leaf litter differing in structural compounds into soil microarthropods of a deciduous forest. Pedobiologia, 58(5–6), 219–227.

FRÜND, J.; ZIEGER, S. L.; & TSCHARNTKE, T. (2013). Response diversity of wild bees to overwintering temperatures. Oecologia, 173(4), 1639–1648.



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